Sunday, 14 February 2010

Collection 100 Rational

I have decided to promote a new shoe company by packaging gift bags including chocolate shoes inside mini shoe boxes to be distributed at an exclusive vip event. I have made this decision because I want to create new idea for advertising newly launched designer brands instead of just creating a poster and advertisement.

My audience is women who love to shop, between the ages of 21 and 35. I will engage them by making a luxurious looking brand which 'promises' to make your shoe life better.

The product will inform and instruct telling people about the new product, where to get it and when it is launching. People need to know about something before they buy it. New brands are always competing and this quirky product will hopefully do so.

The audience will either attend a vip event launching the new shoe brand or receive it whilst shopping in a store ... first 100 customers, for example, get the free gift. Information will be inside with the gift.

Problem Analysis - Rational

BRIEF - What is the problem you intend to solve?
Advertisement for a new shoe brand launch.

Who needs to know? - Audience?
21-35 year old shoe-loving women.

Why do they need to know?
Because they may be interested in buying new shoes or interested in the brand.

What will they respond to?
A gift bag given to them with information about the launch date and place etc.

What research is required?
About the target audience, existing shoe brands, most popular shoes, packaging methods.

Graphic Design Week Planner


8.00- 9.10 - Wake up, shower, clothes, make up, cereal.
9.10 - 9.25 - Walk to college.
9.25 - 9.35 - Wait for tutors.
9.35 - 10.35 - Briefing/ seminar.
10.35 - 10.50 - Break.
10.50 - 12 - Work on collection 100 project
12 - 12.10 - Walk home.
12.10 - 12.45 - Prepare and eat food.
12.45 - 12.55 - Walk back to college.
1 - 2.20 - Work on tie keeping.
2.20 - 2.40 - Break.
2.40 - 3.30 - Work on time keeping.
3.30 - 3.45 - work on idea for 100 project.
3.45 - 4 - Library.
4 - Hand camera back.
4 - 4.10 - Walk home.
4.10 - 5 - Eat.
5 - 7 - Nap.
7 - 11 - Watch tv.
11 - 12 - Eat
12 - 2 - Tv.
2 - Sleep.


11 - Wake up
11 - 12.30 - Get ready
12.30 - 12.45 - Eat
12.45 - 12.55 - Walk to college.
1 - 2.30 - Work on time line - visual language.
2.30 - 2.45 - Break.
2.45 - 3.30 - Work on time line.
3.30 - 4 - Chat at college.
4 - 4.10 - Walk home.
4.10 - 5 Talk with bf.
5 - 6 - Cook and eat.
6 - 1 - Nap and watch tv.
1 - Sleep.


12 - Wake.
12 - 1 - Eat.
1 - 5 - Working ( list of to do 10 mins, % of time keeping 30mins, lecture notes copy up, get work I've missed off moodle 2h, sort notes out for meeting with Richard - 5.)
5 - 7 - Dinner and tv.
7 - 10 - Work.
10 - 11 - Big bro on tv.
11 - 1 - Work.
1 - 2 - Get ready for bed and sleep.


8.30 - Wake up.
8.30 - 9.10 - Get ready.
9.10 - 9.20 - Walk to college.
9.30 - 12 - Final cut - including 15 min break.
12 - 12.15 - Walk home.
12.15 - 1 - Eat.
1 - 2.30 - Work, ideas for 100 brief.
2.30 - 4.30 - Town shopping for supplies for 100 project.
4.30 - 7.30 - Photography elective.
7.30 - 8 - Eat.
8 - 9 Get ready to go out.
9 - 3 - Out at bourbon.
3 - 4 - Walk home and relax.
4 - 5 - Takeaway.
5 - Sleep.


8.50 - Get up.
8.50 - 9.10 - Get ready.
9.10 - 9.25 - Walk to book binding talk.
9.30 - 12 - Book binding including 15 minute break.
12 - 2 - Walk home, eat and rest.
2 - 3 - Walk to town, look at art exhibition and shop.
3 - 4 - Eat out.
4.30 - Back home.
4.30 - 9 - Sleep.
9 - 10 - Cook and eat.
10 - 11 - Tv.
11 - Sleep.

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I think I have learnt how to time keep better this module, increasingly more so towards the end and with the 'collection 100' product part. I didn't think I found it hard working in groups, but I seem to have found where I fall down. Communication within group work is vital and no matter what methods we attempted they didn't seem to embrace the whole group. In this sense I think i have developed survival skills, in that you do your best with what you have to work with and everything seems to pull together in the end one way or another.

Having chosen a subject which interested me for the 'collection 100' project I found myself much more engaged and wanting to get my head down and work. By choosing a subject I enjoy I found interesting research because I wanted to learn more about it. In previous projects I have normally started off with a subject that interests me but then decided to go somewhere completely different which doesn't interest me so much, I'm not quite sure why but it always seems to happen; so for this project I tried to stay as focused on 'me' as possible to create a final outcome which used my full potential.

I thought long and hard and decided reasonably quickly what I wanted to create and realising the huge work load I had set my self I think I panicked slightly which put me into turbo work mode to collect all the materials I would need and research more thoroughly what I wanted to achieve. After this brief panic I realised I had enough time to manufacture these chocolate shoes with precision and passion and not in a mad rush, making my time management at its best.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I have been a lot more hands on in this project, because it is mainly research based you have to get out there and see the issues for yourself and not just put yourself in a cocoon of ideas which may or may not be true. Approaching the target audience and going out and recording the issue in hand for the 'what if' project made our design decision much more informed ad valid. For the 'collection 100' project I tried to look at every aspect I could think to do with shoes. I went out to Leeds main shopping street to tally types, styles colours, etc of shoes people were wearing, interviews with cobblers and shop sales persons, photographs of shoes in their advertising environment, the history of the shoe etc. Getting a wide range of information helped me decide what my next step would be for the project.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I think precision and detail are two of the main things I enjoy focusing on in work. Crafty and fiddly things interest and encourage me. Seeing a clear path of what I have to create and where I have to get helps me plan and work to my best ability. Although research can be somewhat tedious it is in the long run the backbone for every project so I will ensure to thoroughly research every project to come.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work an how will you address these more fully?

I think one of my main weaknesses is finding an idea that I like and not wanting to change it once I have it. Obviously with short time scales fast paced thinking is necessary but looking into other ideas could improve my final outcome. I can sit and think about what I want to do but I wont write down idea which I have though of and scrapped, I should write them down as evidence.

5. Identify five things you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. Experiment with more ideas before I stick with one to carry through.
2. Work on presentation skills for my work to give a clearer projection of my idea.
3. Assign individual roles when working in a group.
4. Think about costs of an idea and practicality of producing it.
5. Look at more resources such as books to get inspiration.

If I do all of these and work to my full potential my work should be of the highest standard.

6. Grading...

Attendance: Very good
Punctuality: Excellent
Motivation: Excellent
Commitment: Excellent
Quantity of work produced: Excellent
Quality of work produced: Very good
Contribution to the group: Good